Sunday, October 25, 2009

Reaching Out III

You would think asking people that's doing the thing you want to do for interview's would be easier by now. I can tell you it is not and it generates some anxiety on my part.
Nevertheless, I asked another one of my son's teacher's for an interview & he was very happy to know that I wanted to teach.

I can tell you though teachers want students that are serious about their success. I did interviews with teachers from a College Preparatory and they all mirrored that they wanted students that were focus, and attentive.

Mr. L'Aku' interview was motivating & I learned that if students are not serious with their success it is a hard and long tasks to get them there.
I really would like to thank all of my Interviewers it really has been inspiring for me & I look forward to working with 12th graders.

I can definitely tell you that with these interviews; I have decided I want to teach 12th graders. I believe I can offer more to the students who have decided or planned for their success. Not that they want change their mind in the process but they have some clarity of what they want out of life!

Here's Mr.A'ku Interview:

Hi, Ms. Dade.

Here are my answers to your questions.

Who would be in your perfect class?
Only attentive, studious, focused, well-behaved pupils.

What would you want them to know?
Coming into my class they should know how to clearly express themselves in writing. They should also have strong algebra and reading comprehension skills.

What would you want to share with them?
I'd share the topics of Environmental Science and Physics. I'd also try to encourage them to be patient and to remain focused on scholastic achievement.

Were there any moments where you may have felt discouraged, encouraged, or unsupported and how did you overcome the challenges you faced?
During times when I feel discouraged I recall that there will be low moments in the workplace just like there will be high moments. The low moments are changes for self-improvement, so I just try to stay positive and remember that these times are only temporary. Usually things end up not being as they seem, and people often make things worse by dwelling on what worries them and making mountains out of molehills. Lastly, I leave work at school. I don't carry too many things home with me to think about or to actually do. I am pretty successful at keeping my professional and personal lives separate. It helps if you know how to manage things and keep them in perspective.

Finally, do you have any advice about what my next steps should be to accomplish my goals in wanting to become a teacher for children from 7-12th grade?
I'd start by talking to children about their perceptions and expectations as far as school is concerned. You can learn a lot by listening to the children and I think that adults generally assume that the perceptions, expectations, and concerns of children aren't worth considering. Certainly, we have to provide for the children but, at the same time, we need to address their wants and needs.

I hope this helps! Good luck!

Mr. A'Ku

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